Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Cleaning out our closet

Having spent our last evening in Singapore watching chelsea take their penultimate step towards the premier league title, we took a 2 & 1/2 hour flight south of the equator to Bali. Following a taxi race along the single carriageway road overtaking every motorbike on the island, we arrived in to the peaceful town of Candidasa.

The apparent 'dry season' was nowhere to be seen - a torrential downpour was hitting the island. We made our way to our private bungalow and set about unpacking, only to be greeted by a 15 inch lizard hiding in the wardrobe. Half an hour later, having shepherded it from the wardrobe out of the front door (via the back of the mirror and inside the curtains) we were finally safe enough for meg to come out from behind the mosquito net!

That evening we had a nice dinner in the resort restaurant and Meg retired to the room to read a book, while Mark headed down to the local weightlifting den to make friends with some Balinese Arnies. Our slightly-less-than-smooth introduction to paradise was completed by a power cut to the town a couple of hours before bedtime. A quick distribution of candles (thanks Emily!) around the room sorted Meg out, while Mark had thoughtfully taken the torch to the gym.

By this morning the storm had cleared and we spent a few leisurely hours by the pool before heading down to the beach for a drink. The cupboard door has remained shut!

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