Saturday, 22 May 2010

How to cook the perfect Jerzak

1. Seal the surface of the Jerzak using factor 30+ sun cream
2. Place Jerzak on a sun-bed directly beneath equatorial sun
3. Allow Jerzak to cook for 15 minutes on each side and then remove instantly from heat to prevent charring
4. Dunk Jerzak in swimming pool to cool surface of skin
5. Approximately 4 - 5 hours after cooking, coat skin in After-Sun and serve

Note - Do not allow Jerzak to cook beneath direct sunlight for more than 30 minutes otherwise total sweaty vapourisation can occur (see below)


  1. where is the next destination?

  2. We are now in Kuala Lumpur. Stayed one night in budget accommodation and then checked in to the Sheraton Imperial!

  3. Forever to be known as the Shroud of Ubud
